Happy New Year <3

I can't believe that 2012 already past, where did the time go? 
Thank you 2012 for everything you gave me.
I've had and still have an amazing time and an unbelievable experience here in USA. I'm so thankful for all the friends that I've meet and for the amazing family I'm with. You are wonderful and indescribable and I love you all so very much. I'm beyond words to how grateful I am for all the things I've learned during my year and for all the things I've been able to experience. 

I grew as a person, I'm much stronger, I appreciate life in a different way than I did before, I've made new amazing friends for life, I explored and experienced soooo many things, I've traveled, I'm thankful for the people around me and for all those amazing people who's been there for me during this year. I LOVE YOU. 

Bring it on 2013, I'm excited for what you got for me. 


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